Student Code of Conduct Policy

Student Code of Conduct Policy

Students enrolled in the Direct Travel Academy’s Travel Industry Training are expected to conduct themselves in a professional and respectful manner. Conduct that infringes on the quality of the educational experience of others is not acceptable and may result in your dismissal from the program.

Direct Travel Academy’s has established standards necessary to maintain and protect an environment conductive to learning and in keeping with the educational objectives of the school and program. Students are expected to:


  1. Conduct activities according to high ethical principles. These include, but are by no means limited to, honesty, trustworthiness, and an intrinsic respect for the individual. Integrity must be ingrained and supported throughout your time in the program.
  2. Operate in a non-discriminatory manner, practicing the principles of equality, tolerance, respect, and equal justice with instructors, management, administration, and peers. This principle precludes favoritism or discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, disability, or national origin.
  3. Respect intellectual property rights including those of content providers, instructors, staff, and peers.
  4. Respect privacy rights. The student shall safeguard the privacy and integrity of personal data of his or her instructor and peers.
  5. Comply with the applicable administrative requirements of the program, including submitting assignments in a timely manner, and interacting with other classmates via web-based webinars, etc. and instructors in a professional manner. Responding to communications from the instructor or administration in a timely manner.
  6. Adhere to the individual course/instructor policies and procedures as outlined upon enrollment.
  7. Accept responsibility to do one’s own work, as well as collaborate with other students as necessary, and attend web-based workshops/webinars as encouraged by your instructor.

Any student who violates any of these above-mentioned points is subject to termination of the program. If the termination of a student is due to being inactive for over one year, they have the option to re-enroll for a fee of $200. If a student is terminated due to the above-mentioned points, they are not eligible for re-enrollment.